Following on from our recent announcement of co-captains, we are pleased to announce our leadership group for season 2019. Joining Brendan Shannon and Brendan Murphy, are Regan Hall & Josh Dart (as joint Vice Captains) and Luke O'Connor as Deputy Vice Captain.
Reg is a fantastic addition to our leadership group, with plenty of experience to draw on. As one of our more senior players, Reggie sets a high standard at the club both on and off the ground and leads by example.
Darty is an exceptional leader who always puts the team and club first. Josh never misses a beat on the field and gets absolutely everything out of himself.
Luke is a young natural leader that's a bit of a character off the field and will bring some fun and excitement to the team. He comes into the leadership group as a guy who will help bond the younger players together and leads by his actions.
Congratulations and welcome to the leadership team guys.